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Case Studies:

Our law firm marketing services have helped over 500 law firms in America to grow. Here’s the proof.


Case Study: Dan Hill

“Since hiring Big Mouth I have never worried about where clients will come from. I have confidence that clients are going to come in and Big Mouth does that for me.”
Dan Hill | Big Mouth Marketing
Dan Hill
Attorney at law

“1,079 inbound calls and counting”

Imagine you just opened your practice and you desperately needed more clients? That’s exactly the position Dan found himself in. As a new criminal attorney in Las Vegas, he was competing in one of the fiercest markets in America. His competitors had him outgunned and outmanned. Not only had they been around for decades, they were spending vast sums on advertising. Hoovering up all the DUI and criminal clients Las Vegas had to offer.

However, Dan is no dummy. He’s hard working and was hungry for more business. Therefore, word of mouth simply wasn’t going to cut it. He wanted to take complete control of how much and how fast his law firm grows.

He Googled around and found us. When asked why he hired Big Mouth Marketing Dan said, “They had the numbers to back up what they said they could do. They had a detailed plan. They weren’t just talking in abstracts. They had a specific plan of attack that made sense to me.”

Since hiring us Dan has never worried about where clients will come from. He says, “I have confidence that clients are going to come in and Big Mouth does that for me.” 

We flew to Dan’s office to hear from him directly

It is time to hire a professional law firm marketing agency to fill your appointment book with new clients

Our Reviews

How Digital Marketing Can Help Grow Your Law Firm

Law firms need advertising ideas if they’re going to compete and reach audiences that require their services. After all, if you’re not working as hard to reach people, you’ll continue to fall further behind as other firms and competitors bring on new clients and edge you out in your local market. 

The good news is that it doesn’t take much to bring in great marketing ideas to your law firm that can have a real impact on your bottom line. Just like any business or service, lawyers can greatly benefit from marketing resources and best practices for their law firms, as well as clear marketing examples that they can continue to implement and use to grow their firms for years to come.

How Big Mouth Marketing Can Help

You’ve seen our law firm marketing case studies — now you can leverage our services to help you grow your law firm. We’ll help you get better prospective clients with proven law firm marketing ideas that work. Sure, you could spend months or years getting up to speed on best practices and studying to become an expert in digital marketing — or you could simply have us apply our experience and know-how to help you do more of what it is that you do best.

Instead of wasting time trying to pick up a side hustle in internet marketing, we can help fill your appointment book with referall quality leads that are just waiting for you to get involved. Better yet, we do more than just marketing. We can help you design a great new website, produce a sleek video promoting yourself or your firm, as well as get your content and message in front of an audience that’s waiting to hear from you with search engine optimization and digital advertising.

Make the Decision To Grow Your Law Firm

If you have any questions about our services or whether we can help grow your law firm, just take a look at our law firm marketing case studies. You’ll see that we use proven strategies to encourage prospective clients to contact you. 

  • It all starts with our law firm focused advertising ideas. Rather than running tons of ads that don’t do much of anything, we create razor focused campaigns that will help you convert impressions into real clients. 
  • Next, we’ll use our marketing resources to help you dominate the search results with comprehensive organic and paid search campaigns that makes your business the only logical choice for qualified prospects looking for the services you offer.
  • But we’re not done yet. With law firm video marketing, we’ll help you increase your authority and reputation with the exact audience you want to reach.
  • To help keep that online reputation looking great month after month, we’ll leverage our powerful reputation builder to help you accumulate five star reviews that will then start showing up alongside your other content in search engines.

If you’re ready to increase the number of consultations you have per day, take advantage of our law firm marketing resources at Big Mouth Marketing. We have countless law firm marketing case studies of law firms just like yours — and we’ll put our experience and knowledge to work for you. Our services are customized to your precise needs, and all of our efforts will work holistically to get you a consistent stream of new leads.

Call us or schedule an appointment today to see how we can help you grow your law firm.

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