
How Are The Top 3 DUI Lawyers Getting New Clients Every Day?

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What I am about to reveal is sensitive marketing information from some of the top advertisers in the DUI attorney marketing space.

If you are easily offended or a sensitive attorney then close this page down right now.

You won’t like what you’re about to find out.

Not because there is anything shady about it.

You will probably just be shocked at how much I know about your competition.

You see, we buy a lot of data. We literally spend thousands on it.

And this data tells us exactly what types of marketing your competition is doing to get DUI clients. And today I’m going to share some of that info with you.

You’ll know which ads they are running in Google, and you’ll know which ones make them the most money.

You’ll know what website pages are working the best, and you’ll even know how much they are spending on their DUI marketing.

After generating 1.4 million leads, running 100,000 online ads, and 5,000 marketing tests, we’ve got a couple of tricks up our sleeve.

You don’t get there by accident. It takes research, testing, and constant tweaking.

So here, with all the dogmatism of brevity, is the exact advertising strategy of the 3 top DUI lawyer advertisers in the industry.

Step #1: Spy on your biggest competitors to find out exactly what’s working

Just imagine there is someone out there spending $90,000 per month on advertising to acquire DUI clients.

One thing you know for sure is that they aren’t doing it for love nor charity. Attorneys don’t like advertising THAT much. Trust me.

They are spending huge amounts, because it is providing them with a healthy return on investment.

Every $1.00 they spend in advertising could be bringing them $3, 4, 5, or even $10.00 back.

Contrary to popular belief, that is what advertising is supposed to do.

It should be an investment, not an expense.

Picture a machine that you put a coin into, and two coins come out.

How many coins would you put into the machine? Naturally, you’d put as many as you possibly can.

The same goes for advertising.

That’s why these big spenders of $90,000 per month or more do it. They are pulling in huge ROI’s on their campaigns.

So by knowing what their ads are, which keywords they are targeting, their landing pages, and how much they are spending it gives us a very good starting point when it comes to an ad campaign for you.

Let’s break it down.

Step #2: Where are DUI attorneys advertising?

Quite simply, Google.

And you’ll see why in a minute.

While most people are making a fool of themselves with Google ads, there are attorneys who are making a killing with them.

As you are sitting there right now, reading the very words on this page, there are attorneys pulling in fresh leads who need help with their DUI or DWI.

And those same competitors are snatching those clients up.


Because your target market is easily defined in Google, and easy definition means easy targeting.

Check out this scenario.

You are a criminal lawyer and you are looking for DUI cases.

Your prospect is a person who has a DUI.

Your prospect goes to their phone and tells Google they are looking for a DUI attorney.

You can’t get much more targeted than that.

Yet, many attorneys are wasting bags full of cash by doing it completely wrong. And the big guys are getting it right.

You and I are going to stop that now.

You are going to stop the guesswork and I am going to show you exactly what you need to do.

The biggest advertisers on Google for DUI prospects are:

  • com – $90,000 per month
  • com – $58,600 per month
  • com – $65,000 per month

Instead of trying to figure this all out from scratch you could, and probably should, simply duplicate their campaign structure.

They’ve done all the testing, made all the mistakes, and laid the groundwork for you.

Combined, these guys run ads on 55,924 keywords in Google.

HOWEVER… (and this is important)

Within their huge budgets a lot of those keywords will be wasted ad spend.


Because they are constantly testing new keywords, landing pages, and ads.

Their big budgets allow them to do that.

In some cases their law firm advertising team may even become complacent and run some ads that aren’t working.

You and I don’t want to fall into that trap.

Just because we have the DUI attorney marketing data doesn’t mean we can just jump in head first.

We have to be smart.

Instead of blindly copying all three, you’re going to want to overlap their bidding strategies.

Our research shows that three of the biggest DUI advertisers out there are all bidding on 5,685 of the SAME keywords. If those have caught the eyes of these players, then that must mean that they must be working.

It isn’t a coincidence that these keywords are in play.

Those guys are making money from it, and so can you.

We call these: Core Strategy Keywords

5,000+ keywords is a lot, so we’ll refine it more. Only the ones that work in your local area need to be present (If you are in San Francisco, then you don’t need to target New York City, do you?).

Let’s have a look at what ads these guys are running that are bringing them the most clients.

By the way, if you’d like Big Mouth Marketing to run your entire advertising campaign for you, so that you can get a consistent flow of DUI leads, then click here.

Step #3: Find out which ads work the best

Alright. Now we’re making progress.

You are a DUI attorney who is equipped with thousands of highly targeted SEO keywords.

Now it is time to use those keywords to put some ads in front of the clients that are most likely to be persuaded by em.

Luckily for you, we have the data to look at all of the ads that these big boys are running, and we know which ones work the best.

Let’s take a look at an example Google search.

‘top dui lawyer San Diego CA Mountain View’

You want to be smarter than the average advertiser.

Notice how are incredibly specific?

Arrested for a DUI in CA? –

The prospect immediately answers “yes!” in their mind, and they are much more likely to click the link. After all, that’s PROBABLY why they searched in the first place.

Remember to be as specific as possible for the keywords being typed into the search bar.

Here are some more ads they are running:

Las Vegas DUI Attorney
Want your DUI Dismissed?? Call Now.
Save your License. Free Visit.

Best DUI Lawyer Philadelphia
Don’t Let a DUI Ruin Your Life
Call Now to Save Your License.

St Petersburg DUI Arrest?
You Only Have 10 Days to Fight a DUI Offense!
Call Us to Avoid Jail

Are you starting to notice a pattern?

  • Every single ad is incredibly specific.
  • It speaks about their problem and how they can avoid it.
  • They tell them to “Call Now” in every ad.

The message is clear and conveys a sense of urgency. But urgency alone isn’t always the same as action.

Another key here may involve strategically targeting audiences that are local to the area you serve. By using what Google calls “local service ads” you can generate leads that you can actually serve. And even better, those ads are less expensive than many other types of Google ads.

Local Service Ads (let’s call them LSA’s) are a fairly new offering from Google. They offer some pretty exciting features

  • They are cost effective. You will only pay when a prospect gets in contact with you from your ad
  • You can get your firm recognized as a “Google Guaranteed Business,” adding credibility for those clients who may be skeptical
  • These ads will appear whenever a prospective client searches for your business type from inside your geographical area. A simple search for “DUI Lawyers” will pull you up!

Step #4: Quickly turn visitors into leads using this lead generation page template

Wow… that’s a lot of information so far, however we have a lot more to do.

You don’t get to be one of the best advertisers for DUI law firms by resting on your laurels.

So far we’ve only really done some research and figured out a plan for implementing the campaign.

Now we need to kick it up a notch and start converting keywords into leads for new DUI clients. And for this part I like to focus on my own skill and expertise.

I have literally run over 5,000 tests to get the perfect lead-gen page (also known as a landing page).

The following layout works particularly well for DUI cases, because your prospects are in a rush to get this sorted out.

You’ll see why this works in a minute, but the formula looks like this

1. Problem focused headline: This is the headline that tells the prospect that they are in the right place. Notice that it immediately talks about the specific problem they have.

2. Elaborate on the solution to the problem: This goes directly below the headline. It talks about the solution to their big problem. In every instance, of course, the solution to their problem is YOU, the attorney.

3. Instantly know what to do to solve their problem: The phone number is right at the top and quickly visible. To solve their problem, they either pick up the phone to call you, or complete the online form. So by quickly skimming the page they’ll know exactly what action to take next.

4. Scarcity : Articulating scarcity helps people to want to take action faster. It lets the visitor know that there is only one surefire way to get the best possible outcome. And that is to act quickly and be prepared. The quicker they act the more likely they are to come out on top.

5. Social proof or ‘other services’: This section adds credibility in the form of testimonials and case studies. It reassures the visitor that you can indeed solve their problem. If you don’t have any testimonials, then you can list the other services you provide here–and get some testimonials as soon as you are able to gather them.

6. Final solution section: This section tells the visitor that the quickest and easiest way to solve their specific problem is for them to get in touch with you. It is the final call to action and plays on their desire to get things under control again.

7. Double call to action: This gives the visitor two choices. Either they can call, or they can fill out the online form. Both of them go straight to your office so that you can take on a new case.

Can you see how much attention to detail has been put into this layout? You can’t simply ‘guess’ what’s going to work and what you need to say.

You have to follow a specific formula that urges the visitor to take action. People are natural procrastinators.

This page layout breaks through that natural instinct, and generates a high quality lead who is urgently looking for a lawyer like you.

Step #5: 70-80% will say “No”: Here’s how to get them back

For whatever reason, people procrastinate on important decisions.

Research paper after research paper has shown that if the general population has a chance to put off a major decision they will, even if that delay costs them dearly.

And getting an attorney is a major decision.

Throughout the years, I have developed a little secret weapon that gets you back in front of the procrastinators without annoying them.

This is one trick that I don’t see anybody using. I was even contemplating on whether or not I should include it in this article – it is that powerful.

Smart marketers and the DUI lawyers who hire them will do the things I have already mentioned in this article, and those who do will gain huge success because of it. After all, only 0.1% of lawyers actually implement the stuff I’ve been talking about.

And they will gain huge success because of it. After all, only 0.1% of lawyers actually implement the stuff I’ve been talking about.

And Yet, there is one more thing you could do to surpass even them.

Just imagine being the DUI lawyer that has a consistent lead flow of paying customers who love and respect you, who recommend you to their friends, and who provide those testimonials for your landing page.

It’ll be pretty great, right?

Well, simply copy this approach.

Once somebody visits Google and searches “DUI attorney [city]” and they click on your ad, you know that they want and need a lawyer, and you know that they need one where you practice.

Why else would they stop binge watching Netflix to search for something that they have no real desire for?

Bingo! They have a problem that needs solving. Google was their answer. And more, for a moment, YOU were their answer.

Just because the user doesn’t respond to the “sales pitch” in your ad doesn’t mean they don’t need a lawyer. It means they are procrastinating.

In the past you would have paid for that click and lost them forever. By the time they feel like contacting you again they have forgotten who you are, they will need to do another Google search, and hopefully find your ad again (which you’ll pay for, again).

So here’s what you do to make sure that never happens.

Now that you know that person is interested in finding a DUI attorney, and you know they are on the fence, you can send them something a little different.

When they visit your landing page you can ‘tag’ their browser.

This allows you to place ads in front of them throughout the next few weeks.

Have you ever been followed by those annoying retargeting ads after you have visited someone’s website?

Yeah, I hate them too.

This is like that, but instead of annoying them with ads, we’re going to smack them in the face with information that helps to alleviate the problem they are facing.

We’re going to do this by posting an article in their Facebook newsfeed.

Here’s a quick example.

I go to Google and type in “DUI attorney Phoenix”.

I get cold feet for some reason and decide to watch cat videos on Facebook.

Suddenly I see a helpful article specifically speaking to the problem I have magically appear in my Facebook newsfeed.

It looks something like this:

Imagine you are searching for a DUI lawyer and then this article pops up on your favorite website?

Would you consider it useful?

Of course you would. And what’s better, this helpful firm practices right in YOUR city! CLICK!

Once someone clicks on that article they will be taken back to your website.

This time, it isn’t a sales pitch. It is a helpful article that provides them with value. We call these “Passive Return Agents”.

Every single month, you’ll bring out a new helpful article that brings potential prospects back to your website.

When they are finally ready to call a DUI attorney (and they already know that they need to sooner or later) they will be thinking of you, and not your competition.

Quick side note: You could always just get my team to do all of this for you. Click here for a 1-1 appointment.

Step #6: How to implement this today so that you can get a steady stream of willing calls to your law firm

If you’ve read this far down then I must congratulate you. You are truly committed to growing your law firm, and thinking about your DUI marketing strategy.

And that presents you with two choices.

Choice #1: Take what I have given you and attempt to do this by yourself.

You’ll struggle, for sure, but it’ll be worth it in the end.

It might take you a few months or maybe even a year, but in the end you will be happy.

Or you can take choice #2the choice smart attorneys take.

You can simply let me take care of everything.

  • I’ll deploy the whole campaign for you.
  • You’ll get one of my landing page templates, the exact changes you need to make to your website, and a done-for-you traffic campaign.
  • We’ll even record your phone calls and show you exactly what to say to double or even triple your closing ratio.

Can you imagine never having to worry about where the next client is going to come from?

And one day when you want to sell your law firm, you’d be able to retire much sooner than you expected since it is such a well-oiled client getting machine.

I only say this because I have seen it happen.

So if you are ready to let someone help you grow your law firm, then click here to schedule your 1-1 appointment with me.

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